

OIKOS (nonpress, 2010)



HERBAL ESSENCE (mondo bummer books, 2010)

piñata (propaganda press, 2012)

i went to the desert (thunderclap press, 2010)

oak ridge (turtleneck press, 2012)




book of revelations (artistically declined press, 2011)

collaborative destruction (w/ana c.) - self published, 2010

The Nurse And The Patient (pangur ban party, 2009)- dzanc books' best of the web 2009 nominee

Prayerbook (wtf pwm, 2010)






"nasty habits" @ 2nd hand

"penetralia" @ 3am magazine

"thursday" @ 50 to 1

"yoko" @ abjective

story @ acreage

"the child bride" @ backhand stories

"the land of moose & wolves" @ bacon review, the

"best disease" @ bartelby snopes

"manitou" @ beantown ten

"the cognitive dwarf" @ bbbb

"male enhancement" @ bicycle review, the (reprint)

"esopus" @ the blue lake review

"accidental island" @ the blue lotus review

"5150" @ bluestem

"accident" @ calliope nerve

2 vignettes @ chronopolis

"Coin #10" @ the catalonian review

"the bell witch story" @ clockwise cat

four flashes @ connotation press

"smoke detector" @ cookiebomb

"loisaida" @ corduroy mtn., the

"a story that has not yet happened but will or might not" @ corium magazine

"39 jewel" @ the cossack review

"hell's kitchens" @ danse macabre

"poughkeepsie" @ dark sky magazine

"franklin" @ dead mule

"red lights" @ decomP

"star-spangled enterprise" @ decomP - (sundress publications' 2009 best of the net nominee)

"bna" @ dex on the kudzu

"oikos" @ dispatch litareview - (storySouth Million Writers Award nominee)

"west kill" @ dogzplot

"excerpt from Grace" @ dogzplot

"electrocucion" the driftwood review

"the visitor" @ ducts

"parable" @ emprise review

"david bowie against the enemy" @ ex cathedra

"the anatomy of a funeral" @ farmhouse magazine

"toad" @ fiction at work

"czechoslovakia" @ the fiddleback

"interia" @ flash fire 500

"the waiter and the girl" @ flask & pen

"in the kitchen, after the war" @ ft magazine

story @ foliate oak

"chinook" @ fourpaperletters

"dissolve" @ ghoti

"as dasisy plays in the sand" @ gloom cupboard

"the boy who was never awake" @ greenbeard

"cole" @ grey sparrow

short @ half baked

"the snake people" @ h_ngm_n

five flashes @ inpatient press

"chinese new year" @ insomnia-press

"lake linville the artificial lake" @ jmww

"the golden spin of zagreb" @ jmww

"male enhancement" @ johnny america

"saturday" @ kill author

"z" @ lamination colony

"turtle rock" @ LA review of LA

"i don't want to be in captivity" @ legendary, the

"palo alto, eeg" @ lies/isle

"baby" @ the lifted brow

"parasites" @ litchaos

"saugerties" @ LITnIMAGE

"the wanna be singer-songwriter" @ lo-fidelity

"qohelet" @ the mad hatters review

"heart of occident" @ map literary

"axiom" @ marco polo arts mag

"dying cowboys" @ matchbook

"loquats and mountain bird" @ medulla review, the

"the skins of animals" @ menacing hedge

"brooklyn veganism" @ metazen

"iron mike" @ metazen

"fistfight on the old cemetery" @ miniature mag

"smith & 9th" @ the molotov cocktail

"magdala" @ the moon milk review

"malchus" @ mud luscious - dzanc books' best of the web 2011 nominee

"four flashes" @ nailed magazine

"five years" @ necessary fiction

"jaffa road" @ neoterra

"diatom" @ negative suck

"seabath" @ negative suck

"manual soul transmigration" @ neon

"the panhandle" @ new dead families

"penobscot" @ nontrue

"friend page" @ NOÖ

"the object center" @ northville review, the

"caribou" @ /one/

"going to hell" @ ophelia street

"torrance" @ other room, the

"wine of youth" @ pank

"rome" @ paraphilia magazine

"excerpt from berry hill" @ paper wall

"overland" @ press board press

"decomp" @ pindeldyboz

"stevie" @ poor mojo's almanac(k)

"bordeaux" @ powder burn flash (reprint)

"sympathomimetic" @ radioactive moat

"simulacrum" @ red fez

"excerpt from tennessee xmas" @ red peter

"hinge" @ the reprint

"philistines" @ requited 

"this where i live, this is how i am unable" @ the scrambler

"margot in reverse" @ the seahorse rodeo folk revival

"portrait of the burgler as a twisted man" sein und werden

"barbie world" @ shoots & vines

"madame" @ the sim review

"grace" @ sloth jockey

"day of the dead" @ smalldoggies

"juvenile peak" @ smokebox

"david bowie against the enemy" @ southpaw literary journal (reprint)

"from The Surgeon" @ spring gun press

"grünerløkka" @ squawk back

"dinner" @ staccato

"pope st. x" @ static movement

"che guevara" @ storyglossia

"in the neighborhood" @ strange road

"once okay twice" @ stumble

"hinge" @ sub-lit

"excavation" @ temenos

"bikini sex" @ thieves jargon

"idwtwtbic #3" @ thieves jargon

"saint luc" @ thieves jargon

"last tango in paris" @ titular

"cowboy" @ tragic pens

"the surgeon" @ trickhouse

"sunday morning" @ underground voices

"lemma" @ unlikely

"utsayantha" @ untoward magazine

"north pole" @ used furniture review

"paradiso" @ used gravitrons

"unconscionable mattress." @ wamack

"the jabberwocky" @ the white whale review

"bus" @ why vandalism?

"terrestrial" @ whlr

"henrietta" @ whole beast rag

"rodeo" @ wtwdaoa?

"caldera" @ writer's bloc

"riverine" @ the wrong tree review

"drugstore troubadour" yellow mama

"propecia nose" @ zygote in my coffee







3 @ altpoetics

4 poems @ anastomoo

2 poems @ asphodel madness

3 poems @ black-listed magazine

4 poems @ blotter, the

3 poems @ the brandi wells review

poem @ breadcrumb scabs

poem @ commonline

poem @ counterexample poetics

poem @ dear sir

poem @ dialogist

poem @ ddq

poems @ the destroyer 

poem @ double shiny

poem @ heavy feather review

poem & poem @ hot metal bridge

poem @ elimae

poem @ elimae

poem @ everyday genius 

5 poems @ the evergreen review

poem @ finery 

poem @ flag & void

5 poems @ foam:e

poems @ the foundling review

3 poems @ futures trading

3 poems @ girls w/insurance

2 poems @ gulf stream

poems @ indigest

a creation @ killing the buddha

poem @ kumquat poetry another here

4 poems @ la fovea

poem @ leveler

poem @ locust

2 poems @ the l.e.s. review

poem @ mad swirl

poem @ magnolia's press

poem @ mastodon dentist

poem @ monday night

4 poems @ nap

2 poems @ nnatan

poem @ new bruce review

9 poems @ nwv

poem @ opium poetry

3 poems @ otoliths 

4 poems @ [out of nothing]

poem @ pipe dream

2 poems @ the recusant

3 poems @ red lightbulbs

poem @ right hand pointing

poems @ scud

2 poems @ seven circle press

2 poems @ snow monkey

4 poems @ softblow

2 poems @ spine

3 poems @ spokenwar

2 poems @ stoked

2 poems @ subliminal interiors (1 & 2)

3 poems @ sway press

2 poems @ swine

poems @ theneweryork!

3 poems @ tinfoildresses

3 @ ucity review

poem @ up literary 

4 poems @ unsure if i will allow my beard to grow for much longer

5 poems @ waterlogged august

2 poems @ what weekly 

poem @ wft pwm

5 poems @ word riot

poem @ yes poetry






short @ 1/25

poems in abraham lincoln

"best disease" in audience magazine

"stroke dad" @ barge press

"desolation borough" in big lucks

"two poems" in the delinquent

"david bowie" @ EXPERIENCED:Rock Music Tales of Fact & Fiction

"poem" in the cream city review

"the anatomy of a funeral" in farmhouse magazine's best of anthology

poem in gargoyle 

story in gigantic sequins

poems in LIT

"loquats and mountain bird" @ the medulla review

"in anger and without pleasure on a riverbank in
ohio" in metal scratches

poems in monday night #12

"mako date" @ nano fiction

"two poems" @ nano fiction

poems in no dear

"in the neighborhood" in one real story

"sleep if you can't dream" @ pank

poems in parcel 

"ten lumps (and counting)" in pear noir!

poem in petrichor machine

poems in ping pong

poem in "popserial"

poem in the rabbit catastrophe review

some shorts in redacted story (anthology)

story in revolver 

story in sand

story in "the seahorse rodeo review"

"comprimise" in shoots & vines

"odocoileus" @ skive

"$2 fortunes" in skive

poem in slab

stuff in sleeping fish

"in the kitchen, after the war" in soon quarterly

poems in splinter

"once okay twice" in stumble

"the green screen actor" in the west wind review

"wanderjahr" @ side b

three in ucity review #5





"abject conjecture" @ poor mojo's almanac(k)

"boy + girl" @ poor mojo's almanac(k)

....journalisimsisz @ nashville scene

...more..journalisimsisz @ the huffington post






||||[[[}]]DEAD_ASS linkz__________RIP_[[[[[[][[[

3 poems @ poems about expiring
"bordeaux" @ 63 channels
"newfound gap" @ insolent rudder
"bixby" @ sex guns & motorcycles

